Averte – Covid update 4/30/20
Hello all,
Good news, Vermont had a great week and for the first time there were no new cases yesterday and New Hampshire seems to be reducing as well. Averte continues to be Covid free.
Despite the good news, these continue to be unsettling times, and I am sure that you—like all of us—are concerned for your families and loved ones above all. To that end, we have extended our clinical team working remotely to mirror our Governors stay safe order, which is currently until May 15th. Averte will slowly begin adding small in-person groups and therapy appointments. In many ways, we understand that business-as-usual simply will not be possible. A combination of in-person and telemedicine will be a reality for the future. For the limited number of employees working on-site maintaining our critical direct care functions, we continue the vigilant processes to protect both their and client health and safety. These include temperature checks at building entrances, strict social distancing procedures, wearing masks, and adjusting work shifts to reduce density.
We will continue, working hand-in-hand with our clients, to find ways to manage through these difficult days by modifying meeting protocols, utilizing smaller groups and finding creative ways to keep moving forward. At the same time, we continue to focus on adhering to important public health restrictions and recommendations.
As our mission states, Averte’s goal is to help change the trajectory of someone’s life. Our current plan is to reopen to admissions soon. This process will be revamped to assure safe admissions and will be continuously tracked and modified as needed.
Averte is thankful for your support, understanding and patience.
Stay safe.